Thursday, May 31, 2012


I really love wearing stripes and I don't really care if they're in fashion or not. I don't know why but when I see a striped garment I can't take my eyes of it.

Luckily for me, stripes were at their very peak last winter so I could enjoy lots of striped garments.

A mí las rayas siempre me han gustado, se lleven o no. La verdad es que no sé por qué, pero es ver una prenda 'rayada' y me quedo como hipnotizada mirándola.

Es cierto que hay épocas en las que las rayas se llevan más que en otras, pero a mí me gusta llevarlas igualmente, aunque no estén de moda.

Por suerte para mí, este invierno las rayas han estado en pleno auge y yo me he deleitado viendo muchísimas prendas 'rayadas'.

And it seems that I'm in luck because now that the sunny days are coming I keep on seeing many striped looks.

Y parece ser que sigo de suerte porque, ahora que ya empieza el buen tiempo, sigo viendo muchísimos looks donde las rayas son las protagonistas.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Skirt: Hollister | Shirt: H&M | Necklace: juvalia&you
Heute Morgen musste ich sehr früh aufstehen weil ich mit meiner Mutti nach Dinslaken fahren musste. Verwandte von uns wohnen dort und Verwandte aus der Schweiz kamen zu besuch :-) Es gab sehr, sehr viel Gesprächsstoff weil wir uns alle schon sehr, sehr lange nicht mehr gesehen hatten. Am Nachmittag sind wir dann alle gemeinsam beim Chinesen essen gegangen. Ich habe selten so lecker chinesisch gegessen :-D Die Vorspeise (Hühnersalat) war super lecker und der Hauptgang (Reis mit Hähnchenfleisch + Süß-Sauer Sauce) war auch lecker! Jetzt gleich geh ich noch mit einer Freundin raus um das schöne Wetter zu genießen :-D <3

Translation: Today I had to get up early because I drove with my mother to Dinslaken. Relatives of us live there and relatives from Switzerland came to visit :-) We talked a lot and later we ate Chinese. The appetizer (chicken salad) was very tasty and the main course (chicken with rice and sweet and sour sauce) was also really delicious! Later I'll go out with a friend and we'll enjoying the beautiful weather :-D <3

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mint pants

french country style from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite french country style at street fashion store and enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP.

After work outfit, while it was still sunny...





I was wearing: pants: New Look
watch: Michael Kors
bracelets: Accessorize
blazer, bag, necklace: H&M
sunglasses: Carrera
blouse: massimo dutti
shoes: Shoes Strar






Zorana i ja smo u magazinu Women and the City:



Fotografisla sam novine malo više, jer sam obaveštena da su primerci već nedostupni (da ne kažem razgrabljeni, hehe), hvala Nataši koja nam je sačuvala novine!:)


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dear John...

 Mam nadzieję na zmiany w sferze blogowej ;-)
Oby wszystko poszło zgodnie z moim planem! :D
Przeziębienie nie odpuszcza więc zestaw zrobiony z tydzień temu kiedy na dworze było 30 stopni. Obiecuję, że przestanę katować Was tymi spodenkami, ale jakoś tak mi pasowały tutaj :D nie rozstaje się także z butami także wiecie ;-D nie krzyczcie. Niedługo nowości ;-)
ps. Pierwszy raz od niepamiętnych czasów miałam na zdjęciach wyprostowane włosy ;-) i jak ? :D

buty- vero-vila | spodenki- oasap | pasek- zara | bluzka- bershka | bransoletka- modekungen 

Indie Designer

Visto eu viver ao pé da praia sempre que posso vou lá, pois sinto que é como se estivesse fora da vida quotidiana e onde posso me esquecer de tudo. Para muitos o Verão é como uma terapia, temos férias, temos uma vida completamente distante daquela que nos acompanha o resto do ano, e eu sou uma dessas pessoas. Por isso VERÃO HURRY UP! Espero que gostem :) 

As I live close to the beach, whenever I can, i go to the beach, because I feel that it's like outside of everyday life and where I can forget everything. For many, summer is like a therapy, we have holidays, we have a life completely different from what follows in the rest of the year, and I'm one of those people. So HURRY UP SUMMER! Hope you enjoy it :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Strój dnia!

Co u was ? ;>
Dzisiejszy dzień w szkole był dla mnie prawdziwą męczarnią. Oczywiście nie ze względu na jakieś kartkówki, ale ze względu na to, że totalnie mi się nudziło, byłam senna i miałam ochotę z krzykiem wybiec z tego budynku i iść do domu! Jakoś udało mi się to przeżyć z Pyśką. Hahaha^^ co ja bym bez niej zrobiła ? I co zrobię jak we wrześniu bez niej pójdę do szkoły średniej ? Ehh... ;< Postanowiłyśmy korzystać z ostatnich szkolnych chwil razem i przez dwa miesiące, do końca roku mamy dzień przytulania! Haha ;D
Uwielbiam ją po prostu! <3

A teraz outfit:

Dzisiaj założyłam coś wygodnego i lżonego. Na nic innego nie pozwoliła mi niestety pogoda, bo od rana pada deszcz. Jeszcze na to kurtkę musiałam założyć.,
W każdym razie dzisiaj mam na sobie żółtą bluzeczkę, która "usłoneczniła" mi ten ponury dzień (Reserved), na to białą koszulę w czarne paski (no name). Na dół getry ;)

Zdjęcia z powodu zimna i deszczu musiałam zrobić w domu ;)

March 16, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

OUTFIT: The brown was my favorite colour

embroidered design from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite embroidered design at street fashion store and enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP.Check Shirt from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite Check Shirt at street fashion store and enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP.

                                            dress- H&M, shoes- H&M, glasses-H&M                                                
V poslední době nalézám na internetu čím dál více soutěží. Ať už se jedná o bloggové giveaway, kosmetické soutěže o nejlepší nalíčení tou a tou značkou u které soutěžíte nebo dokonce outfitové soutěže. Netušila jsem jestli se zmínit, ale zrovna do outfitových soutěží se svými "módními" kreacemi hrrr nejsem, protože bych mohla sklidit maximálně posměch. A tak jsem si řekla, že by nebylo špatné upozornit někoho, kdo by takovou příležitost využil a vyzkoušel své štěstí, zdali se mu podaří vyhrát 10 000korunovou poukázku na nákup v obchodě 
Soutěž probíhá na těchto facebookových stránkách od 2.května po dobu 1měsíce.

A jak se zúčastnit? Jděte na facebook Fashion Days Česká republika, klikněte na aplikaci 
a můžete se pustit do soutěžení. Poté už stačí sdílet a "prosit" kamarády o like(y), abyste vyhráli. Je zajímavé, že v této soutěži je možnost tlačítka dislike, takže bacha, aby Vám vaši odpůrci a protivníci neudělili více záporného hodnocení :D.

Takže myslím, že tahle soutěž bude jen pro odvážlivce/kyně, které si věří :). 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lucky me

punk style from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite punk style at street fashion store and enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP. Sexy Shorts from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite Sexy Shorts at street fashion store by choosing from a large collection of high street fashion picks, enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP.

Hello everyone! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty great!! However, I didn't really study much and my exam is today!! Kind of panicking at this point, but I just need to focus that, by tonight, it will all be over! Then it will be 2 weeks of pure laziness and fun! Tonight I'm actually going out with some friends to a Mexican restaurant, has anyone ever tried? I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it! Here is my birthday weekend summary in pics! hehe
(PS: I don't usually post pics of other people, but considering the occasion, I thought it would be important to show you most of the people that make me feel special)

Olá! Como foi o vosso fim de semana? O meu foi muito bom!! No entanto, não estudei muito e o exame é hoje!! Estou um pouco em pânico nesta fase, mas preciso de me concentrar no pensamento de que depois estou de férias! Vão ser 2 semanas de pura preguiça e diversão! Hoje à noite vou jantar com amigos a um restaurante mexicano, já experimentaram alguma vez? Tenho a certeza que vou adorar! E aqui está o meu fim de semana de anos resumido em fotos! hehe
(PS: Não costumo pôr fotos de outras pessoas no blog, mas tendo em conta a ocasião, achei importante mostrar-vos quem me faz sentir especial)

 Saturday/ Sábado

 (Oxford Shoes: local store; Shorts and Hat: H&M; Blouse: Zara; Leather Jacket: Stradivarius; Bag: Pull&Bear; Necklace: Lefties; Sunnies: Primark)

 (Shorts: H&M; Blouse: Zara; Scarf, Tights: Primark; Boots: Wholesale; Leather Jacket: Bershka)

 (the gilrs in the family/ As raparigas da família)

(My BFF / A minha BFF)

(Blouse and Wedges: Primark; Crop Top: H&M; Metallic jeans: Stradivarius; Bracelet: ebay; Necklace: Lefties)

Sunday/ Domingo

 (Most of my family/ Parte da minha familia)

(Friend from birth / Amigas desde a nascença)

(My best friend's daughter, the reason I want to have a girl some day/ A filha da minha melhor amiga, a razão pelo qual quero ter uma menina um dia)

(Blouse: Primark; Inner Top: Lefties; Shorts and Ring: Blanco; Boots: Wholesale)

(A few gifts I got / Algumas prendas que recebi)

(Hadn't seen a rainbow literally in years, felt like such a good sign!! / Já não via um arco-íris há anos, literalmente, senti mesmo que era um bom sinal!!)

Above it all, I have to say that, even though I complain a lot, and envy many people's lives, I am a very lucky person for my life and the people in it! They made my birthday very special, from Friday to Sunday! I just hope that this year will be amazing! Starting with a little luck in the exam hehe And I also need to thank all of you, you are all very important to me and I was so touched by all those happy bday comments!! Thank you so much!

Acima de tudo, tenho de dizer que, apesar de me queixar muito, e ter inveja de tanta gente, sou uma pessoa muito sortuda por ter a vida que tenho, com as pessoas que fazem parte dela! Tornaram o meu aniversário muito especial, desde Sexta a Domingo! Espero mesmo que este ano seja espectacular! Começando com um pouco de sorte hoje no exame hehe Também tenho de agradecer a todos vocês, são tão importantes para mim e fiquei tão emocionada a ler os vossos comentários de Parabéns!! Muito obrigada!