Friday, April 27, 2012

WCFW March 2012

French Country from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite french country at street fashion store and enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP.

Due to a lethal combination of exams, laziness, procrastination, and the urge to play video games, we apologize for the really really late post on Western Canada Fashion Week, which we attended a few weeks ago (yikes, it's been a while). This being our first fashion show, you could imagine we were over-excited. Think I-caught-a-legendary-Pokémon type of excitement. The two of us took turns taking pictures and we actually have over 2,000 photos, but decided to slim it down for y'all. Since we only attended two nights out of five, this post is not a great review of the whole week. Check out Marie a la Mode and Dress me Dearly for some much more in-depth reviews.

We would also like to thank Western Canada Fashion Week for having us at the show. It was a buh-last.

Lovely jackets by Calgarian designer Aleem of Bano eeMee, whom we had the pleasure of meeting at the Mercedes Benz Start-Up show!

Cocktail dresses by Emogene Couture

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

memory loss

indie designer from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite indie designer at street fashion store and enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP.

One of the most embarrassing things about me is my lack of memory. I just don't have it! I often find myself walking into rooms and wondering why I'm there. This hasn't been just a few instances though. It occurs a lot-in everyday life. One time, I tried to bake using the "idiot proof" cake mix in a box. I forgot to add eggs. There were only two ingredients to add, and I forgot eggs.

Earlier today, I ran into a former friend of mine and I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried, remember his name. It was embarrassing. So I did the awkward, "Hey!!" He responded with a "you don't remember my name do you?", and then I cowardly walked away.

This is what my life has come to.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Pastel cut-outs + Giveaway winner

french country style from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite french country style at street fashion store and enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP.

Personal uniform
Remember the cut-outs I showed you here?
Well, they have an even more gorgeous brother!
Aren't these pastel shoes deliiiicious?!
Omg, I waaaant them soooo badly! *.*
Lembram-se dos sapatinhos que mostrei aqui?
Bem, eles têm estes irmãozinhos liiiindos de morrer
e eu ADOOOORAVA tê-los!!!
Ai...não há por aí uma nota de 200 perdida? :p